Our Founding Sponsors
Recognizing the need for initial financial capital to start the Hall of Fame and have a solid foundation for the society to thrive, founding sponsors contributed funds to make this possible. An effort was established to find 20 individuals in the community, each of whom would contribute $2,000.
The center plaque on the Hall of Fame wall reads:
The following individuals believe in the value of sport to our community and together they have demonstrated a lifetime of involvement in sport as players, coaches, builders, and sponsors. They continue to show their support for sport as the founding sponsors of the East Hants Sport Heritage Society.
Marsden J. Anthony
Bruce Brown
Don Garden
Kevin Horne
Colin Isenor
Tim Isenor
Roy McNeill
Melvin Nelson
Kendall Nowe
Kody Blois
Bud Davies
Andrew & Julie Gillby
Tom Hunter
Graham Isenor
John A MacDonald
Shane McPhee
Angela Nowe
Rod O'Leary
Gary Stone
Greg Roach

Unveiling the founding sponsors plaque at the inaugural Hall of Fame

Close up of the founding sponsors plaque at the inaugural Hall of Fame induction ceremony

Founding sponsors plaque mounted on the Hall of Fame display wall

Unveiling the founding sponsors plaque at the inaugural Hall of Fame